Marketing You Can Believe In

Bring your startup to the next level.
Blue Turret Consulting helps tech and health-related startups

ramp up their revenues while minimizing costs.

Aim Higher.

                 Aim Better.

our team

Blue Turret Consulting is a full service product design 
and development services consulting firm.  
From concept to implementation – we specialize in product design, 
development, strategy and rapid prototyping. 

We are a team of entrepreneurs not an agency. 
Our passion is helping new businesses thrive on their way to market success. 
We believe it’s not the technology, but people behind it that make a company successful.
Each of us bring a distinct and unique skill-set to the table. 
Collectively, we make up the DNA that is Blue Turret Consulting.

               Your teammates

Kartik Thakore has had extensive experience in the tech and medical fields. He holds degrees in Software Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. He has since specialized in biomedical data analysis and software, first by founding a successful start-up (AiMED Stat Inc.) in this area, and later in his position as a Senior Software and Data Engineer at Newtopia Inc, a health company.

Kartik Thakore


customer personas


London, ON
Start-up CEO and Co-Founder; $40k


Scott’s passionate about creating a unique and in-demand product through his start-up business. He’s focussed on leaving his mark and not being just another fly-by-night entrepreneur who just gets “lucky”.

“Chase the vision, not the money”

– Get financing to take their business to the next level 
– Make their MVP production viable
– Get the biggest bang with as little money as possible  
– Minimize additional stress/work – too many other things    happening at once in the start-up


– Not enough time to do everything that needs to be done        
– Staying on top of people to make sure they’re doing their    work properly, kinda hard when some of them are my friends


Scott admits he’s a tad bit of a control freak when it comes to his business but he loves to let lose with his friends whenever he can. Scott’s parents describe him as a freethinker who is driven to succeed. He wants to make things happen, disrupt the status quo. Scott de-stresses with a cup of chai tea and his extensive collection of vinyl LPs.


How We Helped

– Save time by having us do your work for you
– Make money by investing in our expertise to assist you in getting cash
 i.e. make MVP production viable – show better proposal to investors, get more money
– No need to manage anyone – Blue Turret Consulting has years of experience, and will get it done for you

We’d love to hear from you, so drop us a line.

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